is the cure for alzheimer’s around the corner?

“AARP is making an investment in hope.” — AARP CEO Jo Ann Jenkins More than 100 years after Alzheimer’s was officially described, experts continue to be confounded about why it happens and how to prevent it. As the sixth-leading cause of death in the United States, Alzheimer’s was responsible for more than 93,000 deaths in … Continue Reading

the small step solution to sexy arms this spring

I started doing push-ups after I turned 50. At that time, my arms were sad to look at: weak, without any definition, and definitely showing signs of batwings (you know exactly what I’m talking about.). Thinking I’d need to take drastic steps to whip them back into shape, I was ready to pull the proverbial … Continue Reading

get fit indoors in 15 minutes a day

One of the biggest news stories in recent weeks has been the incredibly cold weather that a lot of the country has been experiencing. Snow, sleet, freezing temperatures . . . all of these can conspire against your fitness program, especially if you like to exercise outdoors, like me. It’s so cold out that all … Continue Reading