vitamin d: you know you want it . . .

Some great news was just released that is sure to make big believers in the power of vitamin D smile, and maybe just a little smug. Not only is this little “vitamin that could” essential for keeping our brain cells healthy and percolating as we age, but taken with calcium, it offers a host of other health … Continue Reading

need a good reason to move your body every day? rescue a dog!

Nag alert:  we all need to move our bodies every day.  Period.  Running, walking, spinning, biking . . . whatever your choice is, you’ve got to do it every day.  You’ll keep your weight down, health check numbers where they should be, and it just feels good! But, sometimes we need that little extra reason to get … Continue Reading

finding the perfect glasses for your perfect face!

Who said reading glasses had to be frumpy? Since entering my 50′s, I’ve had to keep a 6x magnifying mirror adhered to my bathroom mirror so I don’t end up putting mascara on my lips.Presbyopia (an age-related condition whereby eyes have trouble focusing on objects that are close) is a natural byproduct of getting older, and … Continue Reading