moto: your go-to spring jacket

EVERY WOMAN NEEDS THIS JACKET! Here’s a great way to add a little zip to your spring wardrobe. Run don’t walk to a store and buy a moto jacket. Most people think “leather” when they hear the term “moto jacket,” but its defining characteristic is actually its silhouette: short, zippered and with attitude to burn. … Continue Reading

fashion flash–best online mini-mag for women 45+

Welcome to FASHION FLASH — the best online mini-mag for women 45+! This week, BEST OF EVERYTHING AFTER 50 is the host, and I’ve got a bunch of great blogs here to make you feel, look and be fabulous . . . at every age! But, enough yakking . . . now it’s time to … Continue Reading

beyond sunscreen: protect skin from the inside, too

Smart skin protection goes way beyond sunscreen, because what you put in your body is just as important as what you put on it.