celebrate your bones on ‘world osteoporosis day’!

October 20th is World Osteoporosis Day, a day when people around the world celebrate the amazing things their bones do for them throughout their lives, and hopefully, stop to think about how they can take better care of their bones so their bones can always take good care of them. The National Osteoporosis Foundation says that … Continue Reading

don’t worry! osteoporosis won’t happen to you! (or will it?)

Well, it all depends on how well you’re taking care of your bones.  May is NATIONAL OSTEOPOROSIS MONTH — the perfect time to celebrate your bones, and think about simple ways to toughen them up, keep them strong, and prevent osteoporosis, a common disease that can be debilitating, even fatal. Fact: 54 million Americans have low bone density … Continue Reading

mind your muscles: are you getting enough protein?

If you’re over 40, you may need more protein to build back muscle mass and keep bones strong.