“generations of strength” award from the national osteoporosis foundation

I am thrilled that the National Osteoporosis Foundation has chosen to recognize me as a leading voice of positive and healthy aging with the “Generations of Strength” Award, which will be give to  me at the NOF annual “A Gift From Mothers to Daughters” luncheon on September 24th.

what’s a ‘chief pundit’ you ask?

So thrilled that FOF, a leading website for women over 45 invited me to come on board as their “Chief Pundit.”  I’ll be covering topics that are of interest and importance to women, especially those–like me–who want all the tools we can get to live our best lives as we get older. Here’s the lovely … Continue Reading

read the report: women, health, aging and money

It seems we’re living in a country that penalizes women for: Taking time out of their own lives and careers to care for others Getting older Living longer than men According to a new study just published by OWL (Older Women’s League National Board), women over 50 are in dire straits.