After turning 50 I decided to take control and get back into shape.

One of the first things I did was connect with a few leading fitness experts to find out what works, and what doesn’t.

It seemed that people around me were spending gobs of money on gym memberships, trainers, fitness and diet books, and yet . . . they never seemed to lose the weight or get toned and fit. Even those who did manage to shed the pounds usually gained it right back as soon as they returned to their old ways.

That wasn’t the trap I wanted to fall into.

So, I uncovered the “keys to the kingdom” of fitness by testing everything and sticking with what worked for me (and which I believe will work for most of you, too!).

Based on over seven years of staying true to my program, I’ve kept off the 15 post-menopausal pounds and am as fit as I’ve ever been in my life.

What’s the secret?

No secret. Just being smart.  Here’s what I did . . . and still do:

  1. eat less and eat better
  2. move my body more
  3. do three exercises every single day (at home!)

For numbers 1 and 2, check out my book — The Best of Everything After 50 — for details or read some of my articles on Huffington Post or

For number 3 . . . just take a look at this:

Until next time, remember this: We can’t control getting older . . . but . . . we can control how we do it!

This is the essence of positive living . . . and beautiful aging. No doubt Plato would agree.

Click here to subscribe to my new YouTube series–”DAILY TIPS FOR POSITIVE LIVING”–15 second videos to inspire. 



Sounds good but I’m not as disciplined as you, Barbara. I don’t have a trainer anymore but I do attend different exercise classes at my health club four times a week. The eating less I’m working on. Thanks.


Hello Barbara, I just found your site thru DivaDebi (my guru) and since I’m over over 50 I enjoyed your tips especially the Proper Push Up….can’t wait to see the results in a few months!



Here’s one of my secrets:
Park farther away than you have to. Every time.
Those extra steps add up!

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