what i know about sex now that i’m in my 50s

My husband and I met in the sweltering summer of 1992 and started rocking and rolling immediately. But from the moment we got married a year later, we were 1) thinking about getting pregnant, 2) in a state of pregnancy, 3) recovering from pregnancy or 4) enjoying (and coping with) the results of pregnancy: babies, … Continue Reading

vitamin d: you know you want it . . .

Some great news was just released that is sure to make big believers in the power of vitamin D smile, and maybe just a little smug. Not only is this little “vitamin that could” essential for keeping our brain cells healthy and percolating as we age, but taken with calcium, it offers a host of other health … Continue Reading

introducing fabulous ‘fashion flash’!!

I’ve just joined an amazing group of women bloggers in something called ‘FASHION FLASH‘! Every week we each submit a blog and one of us serves as ‘host’ so all the blogs can be shared! Fun! The information runs the gamut from skin care, to health and fitness, nutrition, style, and so much more . . … Continue Reading