fashion flash: ‘start of summer’ special issue

Oh summer! A season by any other name would smell, look, be . . . just as sweet! We all kick up our cute kitten heels a little bit more (and hopefully transition to sandals), slow down to smell the roses, and shed those extra layers of clothes in a collective show of summer joie … Continue Reading

hair trends to try: 3 great looks for summer

What is it about the top of a woman’s head that can send her into a tailspin? Almost every woman I know feels bad about her locks: They’re too frizzy or too straight — according to her, that is — too thin or too untamed. It’s a fact of female life that a bad hair day … Continue Reading

beyond sunscreen: protect skin from the inside, too

Smart skin protection goes way beyond sunscreen, because what you put in your body is just as important as what you put on it.