i ate (and ate) my way through hurricane sandy . . . and lived to tell the story

(Note: This article originally appeared in FOF.) Forget About the ‘Freshman 15’ . . . I’m Worried about the ‘Sandy 7’ I wasn’t one of those young women who gained the extra, unwanted 15 lbs. (famously called the ‘Freshman 15’) after starting college, probably because I was a commuter college student (or a ‘commuter chick’ … Continue Reading

finding the perfect glasses for your perfect face!

Who said reading glasses had to be frumpy? Since entering my 50′s, I’ve had to keep a 6x magnifying mirror adhered to my bathroom mirror so I don’t end up putting mascara on my lips.Presbyopia (an age-related condition whereby eyes have trouble focusing on objects that are close) is a natural byproduct of getting older, and … Continue Reading

“generations of strength” award from the national osteoporosis foundation

I am thrilled that the National Osteoporosis Foundation has chosen to recognize me as a leading voice of positive and healthy aging with the “Generations of Strength” Award, which will be give to  me at the NOF annual “A Gift From Mothers to Daughters” luncheon on September 24th.