reverse memory loss to age better

LISTEN TO FULL PODCAST HERE The thought of losing your memory (or your mind) is one of the scariest things I can think of. It is my biggest fear. After losing my grandmother to Alzheimer’s and seeing the impact of her declining cognitive abilities, I because inspired to learn and do everything possible to maintain … Continue Reading

seven small steps to a better brain

We can’t control getting older, but we can control how we do it.  Today, I’m talking about how a few small steps can improve your brain.  LISTEN TO GRUFFtalk PODCAST HERE. Have you ever forgotten something that you absolutely know? Like where you put the keys or the name of your favorite movie? It happens … Continue Reading

is the cure for alzheimer’s around the corner?

“AARP is making an investment in hope.” — AARP CEO Jo Ann Jenkins More than 100 years after Alzheimer’s was officially described, experts continue to be confounded about why it happens and how to prevent it. As the sixth-leading cause of death in the United States, Alzheimer’s was responsible for more than 93,000 deaths in … Continue Reading