this is the first step to aging beautifully

When I turned 50, I was not in a good place. Like many of us, I was unsure about the right steps to take for better health, fitness, style, skincare . . . everything. Midlife can be a very confusing time, dictated by all kinds of change (thank you, menopause), making us anxious about our … Continue Reading

a special event to celebrate the beauty of positive aging

Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, a reflection of how the world views us. – Plato Over the centuries, there have been remarkably different thoughts on what makes a woman beautiful. Even today, there is no true consensus. In one part of the world, certain physical attributes are valued that would be viewed … Continue Reading

ovarian cancer: the “silent killer” that must be stopped

If you knew there was a killer on the loose that was attacking over 21,000 women every year — with close to 15,000 of them dying as a result — wouldn’t you demand that the government spend as much money, manpower, energy and intelligence as necessary to find the killer and bring him down? What … Continue Reading