the beauty of positive aging

Positive living is about taking control of your life and being responsible for your body, mind and spirit.

life after 50: is it dementia, normal aging, or something else?

Ever since I can remember, my sense of direction has been less than stellar. I’ll frequently step out of a restaurant and go left when I should be going right. And even though I’m 57, it doesn’t concern me because this is “my normal.”  However, if there comes a time when finding my way home … Continue Reading

writer’s block? take a walk!

A recent report from the American Psychological Association made me think that Ludwig von Beethoven was a man ahead of his time, in more ways that just musically. According to Beethoven experts, his best ideas came to him when he walked. I’ve written often about how running puts me into a zen-like state, mentally unencumbered by conversation, … Continue Reading