i was interviewed by “menopause chit chat”!

 Menopuase Chit Chat recently interviewed me about the best tips for living our best lives after 50 . . . and why I’ve become a fierce champion of positive aging. I hope you’ll spend a few minutes reading the interview . . . and add your thoughts to the ongoing conversation! It’s all right here … Continue Reading

exercise can help fight breast cancer . . . so why not try this?

NEWS FLASH: Postmenopausal women may be able to ward off breast cancer by simply being more active.  Researchers at the American Cancer Society found women over 50 who walked for at least one hour per day had a 14-percent lower chance of developing breast cancer.  And more vigorous exercise lowered the risk even further.

fashion flash! the best of everything in beauty, health, fitness, style and more for the week of october 7th!

This week FASHION FLASH–the best online mini-mag for women 45+–is hosted by the fab website NoNonsenseBeautyBlog, where Deb tests and tries every beauty treatment . . . so you don’t have to! Then, she tells us what works . . . and what should be left on the shelves. Enough chit chat! Just grab a … Continue Reading