the future of successful aging

I’m a huge believer in embracing a few simple healthy habits to age well: move your body every day, eat good food (and probably a bit less), get enough sleep, manage the stress in your life, and stay connected to people who care about you. But sometimes we have to dig a little deeper to … Continue Reading

a tale of two falls — how a healthy lifestyle stopped a fracture in its tracks

Don’t you think these memorable opening words from Dickens’ “A Tale of Two Cities” aptly describes the roller coaster experience we also know as midlife? I sure do. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the … Continue Reading

it’s national osteoporosis month! 10 things to know about your bones right now

I started running shortly before turning 50 as a way to combat the loss of density that was inevitably happening to my bones as I went through menopause and lost estrogen. Based on my first bone density test, which I had around age 50, I was in the “low bone density” range. Not good. There … Continue Reading