make walking your superpower

LISTEN THE CONVERSATION HERE (AND MAYBE TAKE A WALK WHILE YOU’RE LISTENING!) Walking is one of the most popular forms of exercise across the world. It’s free, doesn’t require expensive equipment, and it’s generally safe to do without any special skills. If you do nothing else for your health, there are tremendous benefits you can … Continue Reading

15 things you don’t talk about . . . but should

LISTEN TO EPISODE 18 OF GRUFFTALK PODCAST HERE As we age. changes in our body, how we think, and how we view the world around us can be unsettling. We’ve been changing since birth but as we get to our 40s suddenly these changes get linked to the A-word (yep, aging) and it can get … Continue Reading

does vitamin d prevent fractures?

Listen to GRUFFtalk podcast HERE In case you haven’t thought about your bone health lately, or perhaps you are beginning to suspect problems, let me sound the alarm and remind you how important bone health is at any age, especially once you start journeying through menopause. Dr. Margaret Nachtigall is answering your questions and giving … Continue Reading